
Finantial summary 2015

Hi all,
It’s Iago. As I did last year I present here a brief summary on the finantial situation of AFYA (health) program in 2015. Blue columns represent how much we expected to spend on each, and orange, how much we actually spent.

Notably, we couldn’t hire our local program coordinator more tan six months, because after September, the projected activities didn’t have enough funding and human resources. That’s why coordination budget was cut by half.

Concerning our plans with training Home Based Care providers, we could do just one of the trainings out of the two we had planned, because of not enough agreement with our colleagues from Msitu Wa Tembo, and a timing problem.

The rest of activities went generally as expected, as you could check in this blog, thanks to Marina and Ricardo.

Following, where the money came from:

 What was left in 2014 was spent, as we said last year (, on hiring a local coordinator during 6 months. The rest of the money came mostly from t-shirts and other merchandising sales and generous donations (crowdfunding and independent).

There is extra 878.000 TZS that we will use during 2016, when we plan to go on with some of our projects and maybe new ones!! Stay tuned at TATU Project facebook and as well on this blog!

I would like to thank the volunteers (Marta, Marina, Ricardo, Elena and Andrée-Anne), as well as TATU staff (special thanks to Daniela and Rebecca) and Tariq, who was our coordinator during 6 months.

We will keep you updated during next months on next steps of the program. Thanks to all!

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